bardoBG (bardo Belgrade) is an independent film and television production company founded in May 2024 and based in Belgrade, Serbia, with the aim of providing artists in the film and television industry with professional support in realizing innovative projects that expand both artistic and geographical boundaries.
bardoBG is a for-profit sister company to bardoLA, a U.S.-based nonprofit arts organization headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
bardoBG was established to further expand a decade of successful projects presented worldwide by bardoLA. bardoBG has a specific and important task to, through its projects, support local creative talent in Serbia while simultaneously build bridges of cooperation with international artists and financiers interested in working in Belgrade.
bardoBG guides and oversees production of film projects in Belgrade in a manner that secures their independence and integrity. The company holds all required contractual agreements with cast and crew involved in production of film projects and prioritizes the security of invested funds by safeguarding and directly managing all financial investments for its film productions.
The production company is headed by Dragan Betinski, who is the owner and director responsible for day-to-day operations.
Creative leadership of bardoBG is in the hands of independent producer Vladimir Dekić.
bardoBG is currently engaged in producing its first film project due to premier in 2025 - stay tuned for more details to come!