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Lowell Americana Project: About

Lowell Americana Project: About

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The Lowell district in Bisbee, Arizona used to be a thriving mining town that boasted a vibrant main street filled with a Five & Dime, auto dealerships, full service gas stations, a barbershop, bakery and a pharmacy. Over the years, following the closing of the mine in 1974, the town was slowly displaced, leaving behind Erie Street - a slice of Americana that appears to be frozen in time, reflecting a unique period in America’s history. The team behind the Lowell Americana Project, themselves vintage Americana enthusiasts, set about preserving and revitalizing Erie Street in Lowell, in the process creating an extraordinary public art project that celebrates the arts, their community, and American culture.

The Lowell Americana Project has garnered national and international media attention and praise for the project’s cultural preservation efforts, making this unique location one of the most photographed streets in the West. Erie Street in Lowell has been featured in an array of productions, from films to music videos, by artists such as Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts, and Steven King, among many others.

The Lowell Americana Project is dedicated to continuing the work of preserving this extraordinary time-capsule of Americana in a manner that provides its community sustainable economic development and growth through tourism and the arts, and serves as an example of bardoLA’s efforts to create, develop and produce community-based projects.

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Click the image above to view a video of the team behind The Lowell Americana Project talk about what inspires them.